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November Board Meeting



November 01, 2023


TO:  Chair Melissa B. Heffner & Housing Authority Commissioners Board of Directors of Preserving Affordable Housing, Inc.

FROM:  Douglas S. Faust, CEO/Executive Director-Secretary/Treasurer, DHA Secretary/Treasurer, Preserving Affordable Housing Inc.


The joint Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners ("DHA") of the Decatur Housing Authority, and the Board of Directors (PAH I) of Preserving Affordable Housing, Inc. will be held on Wednesday, November 8, 2023, at 4:30 PM.  At the offices of the Authority, 511 W. Trinity Pl., Decatur, Georgia.

The agenda will include:

  1.  Approval of the Minutes of the DHA and PAH Meeting of October 11, 2023.
  2. Executive Director's Report
    1. Housing Choice Voucher Program Report
    2. Technical Services Department Report
    3. Property Management Report
    4. Finance Department Report
  3. Consideration of a Resolution by DHA accepting the Authority's Financial Reports for September 2023.
  4. Consideration of a Resolution by DHA approving the Monthly DHA Credit Card Statement.
  5. Discussion of Board Development and Training.
  6. Consideration of a Resolution to approve the adoption of the 2024 HCV Utility Allowance Schedule.
  7. Consideration of a Resolution approves executing the contract for Legal Services for the Authority.
  8. Consideration of a Resolution approving the tenant account receivable write-offs for Allen Wilson, Trinity Walk, Swanton Heights, and Spring Pointe Apartments.
  9. Consideration of a Resolution approving the DHA Holiday Function for 2023.
  10. Consideration of a Resolution approving the sell back of leave for 2023.
  11. Consideration of a Resolution approving the Private Enterprise Agreement (PEA) for Decatur East Phase II.
  12. Consideration of a Resolution approving the increased budget for Legacy Park I.
  13. Conideration of Resolutions approving agreements with the City of Decatur for Village at Legacy Phase I.
  14. Executive Session
    1. Consideration of a Motion to enter Executive Session
    2. Consideration of a Motion to close the Executive Session and enter back into the Regular Meeting.
  15. Any other business to lawfully come before the Board.